The love of God is a wild, ravenous beast that rampages through the Valley of Tears in hunt for its prey as a voracious pride of lions roars through the Serengeti. It needs nothing to maintain its existence yet it hungers and thirsts for the love of the children of Adam and Eve. It devours whomever it willeth. It cannot be captured, contained, controlled, corralled, or caged. It is bigger than any Church. It transcends confinement within the artificial boundaries of any religion. It is passed on not modulated. It is distributed not processed. It is handed out not rationed. The wild ferocity of God's love for us cannot be tamed. Its intensity cannot be dialed back. It has wings to clip (Psalm 91) but we cannot clip them. It suffers not limitations. Limitations cannot put God's love for us in its place. Limitations cannot slow it down or cool it off. It steamrolls through limitations. We tortured and killed it - we made it suffer and die - we impaled it on a cross as a fisherman insouciantly impales a live worm on a sharp hook where it hung until death. However, the wild, ravenous beast that is God's love for us is indomitable. The love of God survived the evils that we did to it. NOT EVEN DEATH CAN SUBDUE IT (Revelation 21:4) (1 Corinthians 15:26).