JESUS SUBSCRIBED TO A THEORY. It was a radical, revolutionary, paradigm shifting theory. JESUS PERSONIFIED, ENDORSED, PRACTICED AND CHAMPIONED AN IDEOLOGY OF LOVE. The theory to which Jesus subscribed was that love begets love - only love begets love. Jesus was so confident in his theory that he invested all of his limited human resources to prove its validity. He spent all of the coin of his flesh and blood. He kept not a penny in the bank in reserve for himself. The size of his investment is a good indication of the size of his confidence in the theory. His confidence in the theory and his desire to refine our lives with love induced him to subject himself to a macabre test of the theory's validity in mortal combat with the monster of the Crucifixion. To prove it, Jesus tested the theory himself. "Let us test him with insults and torture, that we may find out how gentle he is and make trial of his forbearance" (Wisdom 2:19). In the battle, Jesus deposited the truth about God into his asymmetric answer to the evils that we did to him. His asymmetric answer was the repository of Jesus' apocalyptic revelation about the nature of God. BY VIRTUE OF THE ASYMMETRY OF HIS ANSWER, JESUS LOVED US FIRST. "We love him because he loved us first" (1 John 4:19). Jesus initiated the process of our salvation by planting the seed of love in the toxic soil of our stony hearts in order to depetrify them. He began our rehabilitation. His love for us jump started the process of depetrification (Ezekiel 36:26). Jesus started the process. However, He didn't finish it. Our job is to finish it. Our job is to bring the process to its conclusion. Our job is to turn the spark of love that Jesus ignited upon the earth into a conflagration. “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing” (Luke 12:49)!