What is Christianity?
Christianity is a treasure map for treasure hunters engaged in a treasure hunt. The Cross marks the spot of the treasure (1 Corinthians 1:17). Jesus deposited the treasure on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. The road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection is unique. It is the only place on earth and in heaven - the only place in the entire universe - where Jesus spent his flesh and blood. We invite you to become treasure hunters. We invite you to figure out for yourself what Jesus purchased by spending the coin of his flesh and blood on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. And more importantly the why. The discovery will astonish you. It will gobsmack you. It will knock you off your horse (Acts 9:4). So, grab your shovel. Come with us to the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. Dig up the treasure of Christianity and make yourself rich (Matthew 13:44).
Christianity, however, is divided today. Our clerics have divided the house. And a house divided cannot stand (Mark 3:25). Clericalism is the utter contempt of the shepherds for the perspective of the sheep. It is their dismissive disrespect. It is the notion that the Church is monologue not dialogue. It is a complete rejection of the theory that the truth emerges from the conflict of ideas in a dialogue. It is epitomized by the scornful teaching of Saint Pope Pius X who proclaimed that "...the one duty of the multitude is to allow themselves to be led, and, like a docile flock, to follow the Pastors"( 1906 encyclical of Pope Pius X titled “Vehementer Nos“). Saint Pope Pius X propagated the myth of the "unequal society" (Vehementer Nos) (Matthew 23:12). Open your noses and smell the bullshit. Even today, in the so-called modern Church, this is the bullshit that the shepherds bandy about that the sheep must overcome. The bullshit divides the house and a house divided cannot stand (Mark 3:25). Either we are in this thing together or we are not. Either we pursue God together or we do not. Either we worship our God together or we don't. Either it is all for one and one for all or it is every man for himself. "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of the truth" (Albert Einstein). CURIOSITY, NOT DOCILITY, IS REQUIRED FOR THE PURSUIT OF GOD. Docility is the enemy of curiosity. "Pray, pay and obey" is an ugly caricature of a Christian uttered with a smile by the Christian tyrants who desire to oppress the children of Adam and Eve. CHRISTIANITY IS IN DIRE NEED OF THE CURIOUS NOT THE DOCILE. The Holy Spirit is tugging at our souls. But, only the curious are following the tug back home to its source. Along the way, the curious are exploring the mystery, majesty and magnificence of God. HOW DO WE TRIGGER CURIOSITY ABOUT GOD IN THE CHILDREN OF ADAM AND EVE? This is the question that needs to be answered in order to revitalize the body of Christ.
CHRISTIANITY IS A RELIGION THAT APPLIES THE WISDOM IT HAS RECEIVED FROM JESUS CHRIST TO SOLVE REAL PROBLEMS. The Son of God did not merely deliver to us pie-in-the-sky, head-in-the-clouds wisdom. He delivered down-to-earth, practical wisdom. We can use it today, not just tomorrow, profitably. It is relevant to this world not just to the next.
On these pages, you will be introduced to the operating system of Christianity so you will better be able to build Christian applications. Too much of the Church’s focus is on its applications and not enough of its focus is on the operating system of Christianity. The Church has mismanaged its portfolio. The operating system of Christianity is the first stage of Christianity. It deals with the transference of love from Jesus to the children of Adam and Eve. The application stage of Christianity is derivative. In the application stage, love is transmitted from the children of Adam and Eve to their neighbors in a variety of circumstances.
THEREFORE, SUPPORT ARTISANAL CHRISTIANITY - Christianity from the bottom up not the top down. Support humble, grassroots, homespun Christianity. Industrial, monopolistic Christianity is not the only model of Christianity. Big is not necessarily better. Small is also beautiful. Follow the little way. Subscribe to a Christianity that is valid not by virtue of authority but because it makes sense (Mark 9:38-41).
Please note:
To answer the question, 'Who is God?', God had a variety of options. God could have answered the question in many different ways. Yet, the option that God settled upon was not a threat, a warning or some other type of ominous communication. God thought that the best way to answer the question, 'Who is God?', was to send us a Love Note(John 3:16). Jesus was the tangible expression of God's love for us - its incarnate articulation (1 John 4:8)(Luke 6:45). Moreover, God gave us verification of the authenticity of the Love Note by letting us put it to the test. The test gave us irrefutable proof that the Love Note was genuine. HAVE YOU READ THE LOVE NOTE? ARE YOU PRIVY TO THE RESULTS OF THE TEST?
God’s love for us is real. Reality is reliable. We can depend on the reality of his love for us. Do not expect merely a pittance from the God who loves us (Matthew 8:13). Expect much from the God who loves us. Through the ups and downs of life, through adversity and prosperity, despair not. Keep your expectations in the God who loves us high. Refuse to allow the evil in which we are baptized to lower our expectations in the God who loves us.